Noe Valley Pet of the Month - April

Introducing another power duo of doggies in April's pets of the month issue. Turk and Ziggy are two very special boys. Their person, David, knows how awesome they are and gives them the best any dogs can get. Here, David tells Noe Valley Times a little about his boys.


How did you choose the boys as pets?

They choose me. They were both raised to be seeing eye dogs in the Guide Dogs for the Blind program. They then made a “career change” deciding they didn’t want to work for a living. The matchmaker (aka adoption coordinator) at Guide Dogs thought we were well matched. At first it was just me and Turk, but then Ziggy came along.

What are Turk and Ziggy’s favorite activities?

A quiet place for Turk

Turk loves to meet new people and scavenge when he’s out of the house. Inside he likes to gnaw on his chew toys and find a quiet spot Ziggy will leave him alone.

Like any good younger brother, whether inside or outside, Ziggy loves to tease and taunt Turk.  

Is one dog more adventurous than the other?

Ziggy stole Turks bone (again)

Oddly – while Turk is more independent, Ziggy seems to be more adventurous.  

Are they extroverts or introverts? Perhaps you can tell us their Myers Brigs Type?

Turk is introvert and he would be an ISTJ- The Inspector

 Ziggy is very much an extrovert and he would be an ESFP- Outgoing and Perceptive

If they had a job, what would it be?

The boys LOVE their chew toys

If they had to work for their kibble - Turk would be an avalanche dog because he’s such a good scavenger. Ziggy would be a therapy/comfort dog because he loves to snuggle up next to people and just hang out.   

Will they eat anything? If so, what is the strangest thing (that you know of)

Let’s not go there, they both like their “SF sidewalk hors d’oeuvres” way too much for their own good.

Does Turk or Ziggy like giving kisses? To anyone or just a selected few?

They are both stingy with kisses, Ziggy more so than Turk.

If they could talk, what is the first thing they would tell you about themselves?

Their power of suggestion is unrivaled when it comes to procuring dog treats from their human. They just have to look at him and then look at the treat jar and he responds – they don’t have to say a word, it’s amazing. Also, they know all shops that hand out dog treats.


Does your dog know all of the “treat” shops in Noe Valley? Maybe you could tell us about them in our next month’s issue.